Training Details
- Develop a costing system framework
Cost structure and its components
Costing theories
- Methods for calculating the cost
Measurement methods and procedures
Areas of cost reduction and rationalization of expenditure
the second day
- Modern accounting methods for measuring production costs
Activity based accounting
Accounting for the product life cycle
- Accounting for achievement
Target cost accounting
- Practical cases
the third day
- Cost accountant performance development areas
Activity Analysis
Cost Analysis
Cost Planning
Cost control
Cost Reduction
Various practical cases
the fourth day
- Appropriate cost concepts for decision making
Cost concepts
Cost analysis methods
Studying the behavior of costs and their repercussions
Adequate costs for making decisions
Use of differential analysis to make decisions
Use of cost symmetry analysis in decision making
Various practical cases
The fifth day
- Cost decisions related to company policy
Purchasing cost reduction decisions
Decisions to combat extravagance
Preventive maintenance decisions
- Decisions structuring salary and incentive systems
Cost differentiation decisions
Product Redesign Decisions
- The decision to trade-off between alternatives to modern technology
Various practical cases