Electronic Payment Systems and Credit Cards and tasks of developing banking services

Electronic Payment Systems and Credit Cards and tasks of developing banking services

Introducing the technological development and its impact on the performance of banking functions and services in a better, faster and safer manner, and the impact of this development on the provision of new services such as credit cards, identifying the technical aspects in them and the advantages achieved from their use, as well as identifying other advanced services through the use of the computer.

Training Target

Bank employees in the departments of remittances, visa cards, foreign exchange and other departments and those responsible for these departments and those who wish to join these departments from other departments.

Electronic Payment Systems and Credit Cards and tasks of developing banking services

Training Details

An introduction to banking and the development of banking services.

The concept of credit cards.

Advantages of using credit cards.

Card types.

Card-issuing organizations.

Marks on credit cards.

_ Different classifications of cards.

_ Revenue and expenses in the cards.

_ Safety marks on the cards.

_ Bank transfers, checks and their types.

The role of managing external relations and cash transfers through remittances and checks of all kinds.

_ Other electronic services provided by banks to customers.

_ The International Association for Communication through Banks (SWIFT) and its role in linking banks and implementing banking operations

The benefits gained from it.

_ Methods of implementation used.

Training Enrollment

Code Venue Start End Price Enroll Now
acc174 3000 $


Introducing the technological development and its impact on the performance of banking functions and services in a better, faster and safer manner, and the impact of this development on the provision of new services such as credit cards, identifying the technical aspects in them and the advantages achieved from their use, as well as identifying other advanced services through the use of the computer.