Raising the efficiency of the accountant in government agencies and departments

Raising the efficiency of the accountant in government agencies and departments

Providing participants with the latest scientific methods in the field of accounting systems and raising the efficiency of the performance of planning, control and decision-making processes.

Training Target

Department managers and heads of accounting, auditing, financial control and planning departments, financial controllers and their assistants, and those working in these departments in government agencies.

Raising the efficiency of the accountant in government agencies and departments

Training Details

The nature, nature and components of government accounting.

- Uses restrictions - current and investment - revenues and receipts.

Accounting entries for regular accounts.

- Periodic accounts and final lists.

- The scientific framework of the state budget - Classification of the state's general budget.

- Types of government budgets, their preparation cycle, and recent trends in their development.

Internal and external oversight in government units.

Measures of efficiency, effectiveness, economy, and skills to maximize the rate of return on spending.

Develop financial planning and control skills.

- and discussion, full workshops

Training Enrollment

Code Venue Start End Price Enroll Now
acc29 kuala lampour Feb 18, 2024 Feb 22, 2024 3000 $
acc29 kuala lampour Feb 12, 2023 Feb 16, 2023 3000 $


Providing participants with the latest scientific methods in the field of accounting systems and raising the efficiency of the performance of planning, control and decision-making processes.