Training Details
The concept of cash and its components.
Introducing the check and currency industry, and the related technical and security aspects.
Technical description of forgery and counterfeiting:
- Methods of forgery and counterfeiting. - Methods of detecting forgery and counterfeiting.
- Updates on counterfeiting and counterfeiting - Specialized technical workshop.
The accounting work cycle and the location of cash operations in it.
Accounting problems related to receipts, payments and cash transfers.
- Book group and registration cycle - Documentary group and document flow cycle.
Tightening the internal control over monetary operations.
- Checking cash operations.
- Electronic operation and its impact on accounting for auditing cash operations.
- Preparing the bank account reconciliation memorandum.
- Cash budget and cash flow statement: preparation and presentation.
Accounting for monetary items in light of exchange rate changes.
Workshops, case studies.