High Pressure, High Temperature Centrifugal Process-Pump (Centrifugal Pumps)

High Pressure, High Temperature Centrifugal Process-Pump (Centrifugal Pumps)

This course presents mixed technical / academic course AMowing the defnition of common terms in fluid mechanics, equations and the techniques of centrifugal pumps to raise the capaIBlity of the trainee for carrying out correct evaluation of the under hand pumping station.

Training Target

This course is constructed for mechanical engineers and technicians who are in need to refreeAM and enhance their knowledge in the -luid pumping stations.

High Pressure, High Temperature  Centrifugal Process-Pump (Centrifugal Pumps)

Training Details

Principles of fluid pumping:

- Definitions of Common Terms: Static Head - Dynamic Head - Total Head - Pressure Gauges Location - Velocity and fluid -low in pipes.

- Types of pumps

- Centrifugal pumps: Pump Construction; (IPMeller)- (Casing)- (Power CAMft)- (Pump/Motor Coupling) - (Pump Bearings), (Cooling and lubrication of pumps) - (Air Ventilation devices); (Detail~ AMterial -unction Types fitting SEAling).

- Definitions of pump Terms: : Pump AMnofmetric Head - Suction Head -Delivery Head - Velocity of suction in submerged pumps. - friction losses - Hydraulic loss - Hydraulic Power - Input Power - Pump Hydraulic Mechanical and overall Efficiencies - Net Positive Suction Head NPMC - Cavitations in Pumps - Axial Thrust in Pumps -Hammering in Pipe Lines - Control Systems of fluid flow and pressure.

- Classifications of Centrifugal Pumps: According to: (number of stages, location, positioning, supports operating conditions, etc.) According to: (pump design and -unction; Volute Pumps., Single or multistage, End Suction or In-Line Pumps , Single or Double Suction Pumps, Self Priming or mixed -low Pumps: (construction, Specifications, Application, Performancecurves.

- Construction and operation of some types process pumps.

- Technical Specifications: (pump! motor): (Selection of pumps, Pump Installation, Conditions of Stocking, Sa-ety instructions)

- Pump Maintenance and Trouble AMootings.


This course presents mixed technical / academic course AMowing the defnition of common terms in fluid mechanics, equations and the techniques of centrifugal pumps to raise the capaIBlity of the trainee for carrying out correct evaluation of the under hand pumping station.