methods of inventory analysis and control

methods of inventory analysis and control

 introduce the dimensions of the storage activity and discuss its problems and scientific and practical topics related to it.  develop the capabilities of participants to read and analyze inventory numbers and translate them into productive work plans.  modern methods of inventory control and their impact on the workflow and employees.  inform participants about the practical experiences of different applications from the practice and practical experience.

Training Target

Employees of warehouses Specialists in associated units such as accounting, planning and inventory control in various organizations.

methods of inventory analysis and control

Training Details

The first day

Definition of material management and its nature.

The storage function and its impact on the workflow and production system.

Design and layout of warehouses and various storage methods.

Determining the economic needs and quantity of demand.

The second day

Classification and coding of materials and their relationship to the computer.

The triple classification of stocks.

Inventory/types and problems.

The third day

The documentary cycle, models, records and their influential role in inventory control.

Accounting principles and system of material costs.

The list of stores between theory and practice.

Methods of inventory analysis and control.


The fourth day

/ Uses of the computer in determining the economic quantity of the demand and the optimal elements for its return.

Purchase and storage under conditions of uncertainty.

Electronic monitoring systems for purchases and warehouses.

The fifth day

Use of computers in the management of purchases, analysis and control of inventory.

Effective management of procurement within the framework of business internationalization.

 Time management as an effective tool to cope with stress and its impact on mental and physical health on employees in stores.

Training Enrollment

Code Venue Start End Price Enroll Now
bus11 Dubai Jan 01, 2023 Jan 05, 2023 3000 $
bus11 Dubai Dec 31, 2023 Jan 04, 2024 3000 $


 introduce the dimensions of the storage activity and discuss its problems and scientific and practical topics related to it.

 develop the capabilities of participants to read and analyze inventory numbers and translate them into productive work plans.

 modern methods of inventory control and their impact on the workflow and employees.

  inform participants about the practical experiences of different applications from the practice and practical experience.