Event insurance strategies Sports matches and stadium riot control

Event insurance strategies Sports matches and stadium riot control

Developing the skills of participants in preparing plans to secure tournaments, celebrations and sports matches - as well as methods of addressing and combating stadium riots.

Training Target

Police officers working in the field of public security, criminal research, guards and insurance - as well as people working in the field of security for sports facilities and institutions.

Event insurance strategies Sports matches and stadium riot control

Training Details

- Risks and threats targeting events, matches and sports facilities.

- How to plan to face crises and disasters in facilities, events and sports matches.

- Coordination between the parties involved in securing facilities, matches and sporting events.

Operations necessary to achieve safety before and during matches and sporting events.

- Addressing riots and demonstrations in facilities, events and sports matches.

- A review of sports accidents and the lessons learned from them.

Training Enrollment

Code Venue Start End Price Enroll Now
ls102 istanbul Sep 10, 2023 Sep 14, 2023 3000 $
ls102 istanbul Sep 08, 2024 Sep 12, 2024 3000 $


Developing the skills of participants in preparing plans to secure tournaments, celebrations and sports matches - as well as methods of addressing and combating stadium riots.