Training Details
First day
The conditions that must be met in the practice of legal (regular) work:
× Conditions that must be met by the person performing the legal work.
× The necessary tools for the success of legal work:
► Laws (systems) and regulations
► International Treaties Law
► Judicial rulings
► Judgments of arbitrators
► Local and international legal periodicals
► Fiqh books
► Familiarity with the rules of the language
the second day
÷ Laws (Regulations):
× types of law
× Issuance of law
× Law enforcement
× repeal the law
× interpretation of the law
× Solve the problem of conflict of laws with each other
× amend the law
the third day
÷ Administrative Regulations and Resolutions:
× Regulations:
► Types of regulations
► Enforcement of Regulations
► Interpretation of the regulation
► Expiry of the list
× Administrative decisions:
► Administrative decision
► Elements of administrative decision
► Types of Administrative Decisions
► Enforcement of administrative decisions
► Cancellation of administrative decision
► Stopping the administrative decision
the fourth day
Resolving conflict of laws problems:
× Conflict of laws in terms of time and place
× mobile conflict
The fifth day
÷ Contracts:
× The concept of the contract - its pillars
× Contract types
× Contract release procedures
× contract interpretation
× invalidity of contract
× Contract Effects
× Contract guarantees
× Means of fulfilling the contract
× Reasons for contract termination
× Contract applications (sales - contracting)
the sixth day
÷ contract drafting controls.
Contractual liability and lawsuits arising from it:
× Contractual liability and its pillars
× Claims arising from contractual liability
the seventh day
÷ Judicial Procedures (1)
× The concept of the lawsuit and the conditions for its acceptance
× case pending
× Advertisement of the lawsuit.
× The presence and absence of the litigants and the procedures for the session
× Defenses, entries, interventions and incidental requests
× The cessation of litigation, its interruption, its fall, and its abandonment
day eight
Judicial procedures (2)
× The judgment in the case and the conditions for the validity of the judgment and the reasons for its invalidity
× Methods of appealing judgments:
► veto
► Appeal
► Petition for reconsideration
ninth day
Practical workshops:
×Controls for the formulation of laws, regulations and administrative decisions
× Contract drafting rules
× Rules for drafting lawsuits papers, defense memoranda, and appeal papers
day ten
× Controls for drafting legal memos:
► Memorandum of opinion
► A memorandum in an administrative investigation
► A note in the commentary on a court ruling
► A note in the commentary on new legal texts