Intellectual Property and International Trade

Intellectual Property and International Trade

 Enable participants to fully understand intellectual property rights with an integrated study of patents, industrial models, trademarks, trade name, copyright, registration procedures and ways to challenge the registration.  Learn about the provisions of contracts related to intellectual property rights, in particular (contract of sale / contract of delay and exploitation of intellectual property rights).  Extensive study of the concept of electronic commerce and its most important contracts, and identification of the right to electronic signature. Studying the relationship between intellectual property rights and electronic commerce, with an indication of the types of crimes related to intellectual property and electronic commerce.

Training Target

Managers of the legal department and legal advisors. All employees of the legal, procurement and financial departments, engineering and contracts departments in various projects.

Intellectual Property and International Trade

Training Details

First day

 ÷ Intellectual property rights:

× public rights.

× private rights

× intellectual property rights

× How to combat harmful practices in unfair competition

the second day

 ÷ patents and utility models (1):

× Terms of granting a patent

× Patent application procedures

× Rights and obligations of the patent holder

× Patent revocation lawsuit

× Reasons for earning patent ownership

× Act of innocence:

► Contract of assignment of patent

► License contract to use the patent

► Workshops for the controls of drafting contracts received on the patent

the third day

 ÷ patents and utility models (2):

× Mortgage and seizure of patent:

► Patent mortgage

► Reservation of patent

× Criminal protection of the patent:

► Crimes of infringement of innocence

► Preservative Actions

× Civil protection for patent

× International patent protection

× Workshops for procedures for filing a criminal and civil lawsuit to protect the innocence and procedures for precautionary seizure of innocence

the fourth day

 ÷ Utility Models, Design Schemes for Integrated Circuits, and Information Not Explained:

× Utility models

× Design schematics of integrated circuits

× Unclear information

× Criminal, civil and international protection

The fifth day

 ÷ Trademarks and Trade Data:

× Conditions for granting the mark

× trademark invalidation lawsuit

× Criminal and civil protection of the mark and international protection

× Practical workshops

× Geographical Indications

× Industrial designs and models

the sixth day

 ÷ Copyright:

× Copyright concept

× Types of protected works

× Terms of granting protection

× Criminal and civil protection of copyright and international protection

× Practical workshops

the seventh day

 ÷ E-commerce:

× The concept of e-commerce and its characteristics

× Electronic contracts - types of electronic contracts and their characteristics

× Rules regulating the conclusion of an electronic contract:

► Contract Contract Procedures

► When does the contract take place?

► Proof of contract contract

× Practical workshops for electronic contracts

day eight

 ÷ Electronic Signature:

× The concept of electronic signature:

► Electronic writing

► Electronic Editor

► Electronic signature

► Electronic broker

► Location

× Electronic documents and their authenticity in proof:

► Authenticity of the official paper

► Authentic customary paper

► Authentic images

× Electronic certification certificate:

► Concept of electronic certification certificate

► Practicing electronic certification activity

► Confidentiality of electronic signature data and electronic media

ninth day

× An applied study of the electronic sales contract:

► Contract Contract

► Authentic proof of contract

► Contract traces

► The right to withdraw from the contract

► Reasons for contract termination

day ten

 ÷ Workshops for an applied study of the electronic sales contract and the Unistral model contract:

× Workshops

× Conclusion and recommendations

Training Enrollment

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 Enable participants to fully understand intellectual property rights with an integrated study of patents, industrial models, trademarks, trade name, copyright, registration procedures and ways to challenge the registration.

  Learn about the provisions of contracts related to intellectual property rights, in particular (contract of sale / contract of delay and exploitation of intellectual property rights).

  Extensive study of the concept of electronic commerce and its most important contracts, and identification of the right to electronic signature.

 Studying the relationship between intellectual property rights and electronic commerce, with an indication of the types of crimes related to intellectual property and electronic commerce.