Training Details
First day
÷ General introduction to contracts, principles of drafting and legal research methods.
The general theory of the contract:
× Contract concept and scope.
× Contract types.
× Persons contracts and legal capacity.
× The conclusion of the contract and contracting on behalf of.
× Invalidity of the contract: (relative and absolute nullity).
× Contract triggers:
► Effect of the contract on persons, subject, contractual liability
× Reasons for contract termination
the second day
Restrictions on the freedom of individuals to contract:
× Public order and public morals.
× Formal contracts and model contracts.
× Contracts of compliance and obligating the alleging party to contract with the public.
× Prevent monopoly.
× The judge intervenes to amend the terms of the contract:
÷ contract of submission.
÷ force majeure.
× Amending the regulatory conditions in administrative contracts.
the third day
÷ Applications of contracts received for the transfer of ownership:
× International sales contracts in accordance with the Vienna Convention in the year 80.
× International sales contracts in accordance with the rules of the International Chamber of CommerceICC (Incoterm contracts).
× technology transfer contract.
× Transfer lease contract.
× Contracts received for work.
Fourth day
÷ International contracting contract.
Contracting contracts according to a contract template Fidic.
÷ contracts BOOT - BOT and its types.
÷ 80 contracts JCT and Minor Works and their types.
÷ Banking Contracts:
× International Documentary Credit ContractL/C.
× International letter of guarantee contractL/C.
The fifth day
÷ Contract design.
÷ controls for drafting the arbitration clause.
÷ Writing contracts.
An applied study of the following contract models.
× Contract of saleFOB .
× Contract Contracting Forms FIDIC Contracts Fidic.
× Factory construction contract.
÷ A workshop to prepare the model drafting of the contracts previously studied.