Training Details
Principles of early detection of occupational diseases.
Table of occupational diseases.
Pulmonary diseases caused by metal dust, cotton and linen.
Occupational asthma.
Diseases caused by heavy metals and their compounds (beryllium - cadmium - phosphorous - chromium - manganese - arsenic - mercury - lead - fluorine)
Diseases caused by carbon dioxide.
Diseases resulting from toxic halogen derivatives, benzene and nitrogenous derivatives (carbon tetrachloride - trichlorethylene - dichloro naphthalene - biphenyls - vinyl chloride - benzene - toluene - xylene - aniline - nitrobenzene).
Diseases caused by nitroglycerin and other nitric acid esters
Diseases caused by alcohol and ketones
Diseases caused by asphyxiating gases (carbon monoxide - hydrogen cyanide - hydrogen sulfide).
Noise-induced hearing disorder.
Occupational dermatology.
- Primary epithelial carcinoma of the skin.
Infectious and parasitic diseases.
Diseases caused by ionizing radiation.
Diseases caused by vibration and compressed air.
Clinical and laboratory tests for early detection of occupational diseases in major organs and systems.
Environmental assessment and biological monitoring.