Training Details
- Basics of the programMS Access:
The concept and components of databases. Basic elements and objects of a programMS Access
Dealing with tablesTables:
- Designing tables using the design view method - the wizard method - entering data - tables related to the training plan - courses - candidates for training.
- Defining queries - Types of queries - Designing queries - Course queries in general - Trainees by courses.
Using forms to enter data:
- Definition of the form - Methods of designing forms - Entering plan data through forms - Forms necessary for entering the training plan data.
Database programming:
- Preparing the first operating model Switch board - Preparing and designing the control buttons from the program - Setting up the Autoexec startup macro - Designing command menus, toolbars and short menu bar - Applying to running the program for preparing and designing the training plan.
- appsMS O--ice associated with training plans and programs:
- a program MS Excel and dealing with functions in order to evaluate training results - MS Word for the purpose of mail merge.
- Assignment training for higher job duties.
- Assignment training for higher job duties.