Training Details
- Financial statements and problems of reporting on liquidity and financial ease.
The reliability of the planner and the financial analyst on the outputs of the accounting system. - Distortions of the financial statements and the caveats of reliance on them.
Liquid assets and working capital management problems, as applied to the reporting industry.
Management of liquidity and financial ease of the facility:
Cash budgeting and liquidity planning.
The impact of planning other current and capital activities on cash outflows.
Workshop: Documenting payments and following up their scheduling.
- Analysis of cash flows, and a report on the liquidity position and financial ease of the facility.
- Full workshop: preparing a cash flow statement in light of the requirements of International Accounting Standard No. ( 7 ).
Payments to finance the acquisition of investments and fixed assets and proceeds from their sale:
- Investment portfolio formation payments.
- Payments for the formation of owned operational capacity.
- Workshop: Measurement and evaluation problems and accounting information for long-term assets.
Selling and swapping, and handling capital gains and losses.
- Payments to finance financial and operating lease contracts and receipts from them:
Rental value, lessor returns and rental costs.
- Equity payments, guaranteed value. .
Practical applications, in light of the requirements of International Accounting Standard No. 17).
The cost of funding sources for payments:
Long and medium term financing.
Long-term bank financing.
Automatic or commercial financing.
The weighted cost of the financing sources.
The impact of the cost of funds and the skills of forming the optimal financing structure on the selection of sources of financing payments.
Accounting for the cost of sources of financing payments, in light of the requirements of International Accounting Standard No. 23).
- Loan scheduling and debt service: - Under the Islamic model. Under the traditional banking business:
Taking simple interest rates.
- Taking compound interest rates.
- Workshop: applications of managing payments from sources of cost, and scheduling debt service.
Surveying and evaluating the feasibility of investment spending payments:
Using the accounting rate of return.
Using the net present value NPV).
Using the internal rate of return ( IRR).
Using the profitability ratio.
- Workshop.
The financing effects of exchange rate changes, and the applications of derivative financial instruments.Swaps, -utures, -orwards, Options) in the field of cash management.
- Presentation of the requirements of international accounting standards numbers ( 21 ), 0 32 ).