Training Details
_ Advanced management accounting applications in the banking sector and financial institutions:
Presenting financial statements and achieving satisfactory disclosure in financial institutions under the umbrella of International Accounting Standard No. 30 ).
- The arts of determining the ratios of employed funds and ratios of liquid assets: criticism of the current application and proposals for development.
The capital adequacy standard and solvency reporting practices in accordance with the requirements of the Basel Code. 1) and the developments of the Basel draft (2).
- Evaluating banking performance by developing the use of rates of return. EPR - RONA - ROTA).
- Analyzing the financial institution's profit basket using a model ( OLT).
- The periodic classification of debts, and the impact of each of the private and general risks on the formation of the provision for loans and advances losses.
Use of the Altman model. Model Score "z" in judging the creditworthiness of clients.
The arts of evaluating feasibility studies submitted by clients, and rate-determination skills 3 - R).
Suggestions to reduce costs in the banking sector:
Cost reduction initiatives, applications Crine to support the profitability of the enterprise.
Performance deviations Variance and performance gaps between subjective standards and benchmarks.
Money making skillsund Raising and mechanisms to reduce financing costs.
Practical cases and real experiences for presentation and analysis.