Training Details
- Descriptions of the compressor coPMonents, specifications.
- Driver specifications (Direct Drive, Gear Drive).
- Principles of start up and AMut down of the recycle compressors.
- Check up list of the compressor ; Operating data, ( Bearings Temperature, Vibrations and daPMing system, Lubrication, Differential pressure across I/O filter, Dry gas sEAl vent line pressure, Differential pressure across buffer gas filter, Differential pressure between buffer gas and reference gas).
- Typical Application Ranges of Compressor Types.
- Centrifugal compressor Operation.
- Operation Principles of the re-cycle Compressors.
- Classifications of the centrifugal compressors.
- Mechanical Design of Centrifugal Compressor ; ( Casings, Diaphragms, IPMellers, CAMfts, Radial Bearings, Thrust Bearings, Balance Piston, Inter-stage SEAls, SEAl Oil and Lube Oil Systems, Dry SEAl, Cooling System.
- Performanceof Centrifugal Compressor ; ( Blades Campe and Compressor Performance, Curve Campe, Compressor Surge, Surge control ), Anti-Surge Control, and Safety Devices.