Marketing Information Systems and Research

Marketing Information Systems and Research

Providing participants with the concept, importance, types and fields of marketing research, marketing information system and its relationship to marketing research and increasing competitiveness

Training Target

Sales and marketing officials and managers of the main departments of information systems and computer programmers

Marketing Information Systems and Research

Training Details

First day

The concept and importance of the marketing research function:

- concept of marketing research.

- importance of marketing research.

- Types of marketing research.

-  Fields of applied marketing research.


the second day

Marketing information system and marketing research:

- extent of the need for marketing information systems.

advantages of using marketing information systems.

- Components of marketing information systems.

- Designing marketing information systems and the conditions for its success

- relationship of marketing research to the marketing information system

the third day

Marketing research steps:

- Determine the research problem and its objectives.

- Determine the types and sources of data.

- Bases of samples.

- Methods of data collection.

- Designing data collection forms.

- Data analysis.

- Writing the final report.

the fourth day

Marketing research and its role in the success of the marketing process:

- research and analysis of marketing opportunities.

- research and consumer behavior analysis.

- research and demand forecasting.

The fifth day

- research and dividing the market into sectors.

- research and marketing mix planning for the organization.

Training Enrollment

Code Venue Start End Price Enroll Now
bus37 Istanbul Sep 10, 2023 Sep 14, 2023 3000 $
bus37 Istanbul Sep 08, 2024 Sep 12, 2024 3000 $


- Providing participants with the concept, importance, types and fields of marketing research, marketing information system and its relationship to marketing research and increasing competitiveness.

- Introducing participants to the scientific steps to conduct marketing research and training them on how to benefit from practical and realistic marketing research.