Training Details
First day
- Assessment of the company's financial position
- Analyzing and evaluating the final financial statements for previous years to determine strengths and weaknesses, using and analyzing ratios, indicators and trends for several financial periods and comparing them with general indicators to draw conclusions and determine the expected financial position during the coming years.
the second day
- Financial planning and forecasting:
- Preparing the facility's comprehensive planning budget based on previous results to verify that it will achieve the facility's objectives.
the third day
- Controlling the operations of the facility through planning budgets:
- Using the computer in preparing financial performance evaluation reports and analyzing budget deviations and its impact on planning processes for the future of the business.
- Oversight of decentralized operations through responsibility accounting systems and financial indicators.
the fourth day
- Making investment decisions through the capital budgets method by:
- Explain the principle of present value and its uses.
- Determine the best investment alternatives available to the facility
- Analysis of cash inflows and outflows for each investment alternative.
- The cost of capital and its use as a basis for differentiating between alternatives.
- Using cost / profit / volume of activity analysis in choosing the best cost structure.
- The fifth day
- Using operations research models (linear programming) in preparing current and capital budgets.
- Behavioral approach in preparing planning budgets.