Training Details
Work element: its importance and its relationship to the cost structure of activities.
_ Estimated budget for the cost of the work component, and the use of learning curves.
_ Employee entitlements and accounting problems for them.
_ Deductions, calculating the net wage due to the worker.
Computer skills.
- Preparing payroll and wages statement.
Comprehensive pay rate: Principles of its calculation and its uses in the areas of cost accounting.
- Analyzing wages functionally and charging activities at the cost of the work component.
Accounting and cost control over the wage component.
Binary, triple, and quadruple analysis of the element's deviations.
Incentive systems, principles and criteria for linking wages to production,
- Evaluation and development of incentive systems.
- Reviewing wages and salaries accounts.
Formulating and making administrative decisions related to the work component.
Case: Using the point of symmetry of cost in choosing between training alternatives.
- General practical laboratory in the financial and accounting problems of the salary component.