Training Details
Strategic planning: basic concepts.
_ Strategic management: skills and arts.
_ Strengthening the operational and marketing capacities of the company's products and services and its relationship to both strategy, vision and mission.
Building the strategy under each of the subjective criteria standards and benchmarks Bench Mark.
_ The feasibility of investment projects and their evaluation skills, continuous workshops using the computer
- internal rate of return ( IRR) and its relationship to the good construction of the scale (3 - R).
- Model OLT and analysis of the components of the surplus or deficit basket.
- System investment B . O . T) and (B. O. O. T) system, and its impact on the management and efficiency of the public utility.
The earning capacity and the revenue strength index of the general project, according to the following criteria: RONA), (ROTA), (EPR).
- Skills of evaluating survey studies and feasibility report prepared by a consultant expert.
_ Administrative and behavioral skills of project managers and team members.
_ Calculating project costs under the umbrella of International Accounting Standard No. ( 11 ).
_ Legal aspects of settling disputes of contracts for the establishment and management of projects between the judiciary and commercial arbitration Commercial Arbitration under the umbrella of FIDIC contracts.
_ Practical experiences for presentation.
Full workshops.