Training Details
First day
The concept and importance of the marketing research function:
- concept of marketing research.
- importance of marketing research.
- Types of marketing research.
- Fields of applied marketing research.
the second day
Marketing information system and marketing research:
- extent of the need for marketing information systems.
advantages of using marketing information systems.
- Components of marketing information systems.
- Designing marketing information systems and the conditions for its success
- relationship of marketing research to the marketing information system
the third day
Marketing research steps:
- Determine the research problem and its objectives.
- Determine the types and sources of data.
- Bases of samples.
- Methods of data collection.
- Designing data collection forms.
- Data analysis.
- Writing the final report.
the fourth day
Marketing research and its role in the success of the marketing process:
- research and analysis of marketing opportunities.
- research and consumer behavior analysis.
- research and demand forecasting.
The fifth day
- research and dividing the market into sectors.
- research and marketing mix planning for the organization.