Training Details
First day
- Modern methods for managing accounting departments:-
- Planning budgeting method:
- The concept of planning budgets
- The difference between ends, goals and objectives.
- Budgeting Jobs
- Budget preparation cycle
- Budgeting Entries
- Budget Committee
- Types of budgets:
- operating budgets
- financial budgets
- The relationship between budgets
the second day
- Practical problems for constructing planning budget estimates:
- Determine the target business number.
- Building budget estimates.
- Determine the economic quantity of the order.
- A comprehensive practical case for preparing budgets in an industrial facility.
the third day
- Responsibility Accounting:
- The concept of liability accounting.
- liability accounting guide
- The relationship between power and responsibility
- Responsibility accounting report for any management level.
the fourth day
- profit planning
- Calculate the efficient rate of return on investment.
- Defensive period model for liquidity control.
- Modified defensive period model for liquidity control.
- Use the Eltman Model (Z) to predict the success and failure of projects.
- break-even analysis:
- Determining the break-even point by quantity and value:
- In the case of a single product.
- In the case of multiple products.
- Determine the amount and value of sales needed to achieve a target profit.
- Determining the margin of safety in terms of quantity and value.
The fifth day
- Statement of Cash Flows :
- The concept of cash agreement list.
- Objectives of the cash flow statement.
- Format for cash flow statement.
- Methods of preparing the cash flow statement:
- direct method.
- indirect method.
- Practical case for preparing the cash flow statement.