Training Details
First day
÷ Sales Communication Forms:
Defining sales communication and its components.
* Conditions of effective sales communication.
Sales contact forms .
÷ Aspects and personal characteristics of the sales representative.
the second day
÷ The sales offer as one of the stages of the sales interview:
× Preparing for the sales interview.
× sales offer.
× Respond to objections.
× Conclusion of the sales talk.
× Follow up.
the third day
÷ Sales positions:
× Types of sales situations.
× Preparing for different sales situations.
× How to deal with problems related to different situations.
÷ Types of sales offers:
× The typical and preserved sales offer.
× Organized sales offer.
× Programmed sales offer.
× Comparison plan with ideal commodities.
the fourth day
÷ Disadvantages and advantages of different sales offers.
÷ Elements of the success of the various sales offers.
÷ Principles to be taken into consideration when planning a sales presentation.
The fifth day
÷ Elements of evaluation of the sales offer.
÷ Sales Negotiations:
Sales negotiation steps .
* Rules of successful sales negotiation.
× Negotiation methods used by both the seller and the buyer.