Training Details
First day
÷ The new global concept and its impact on various activities, especially purchasing activity.
The importance of the purchasing function, its economic dimensions, and its administrative divisions.
÷ The appropriate quality, and does the procurement department have a role in determining it?
the second day
÷ the cheapest price is not always the most appropriate .. How?
The economic quantity theory of demand between supporters and opponents.
When do you buy? How do you choose the appropriate sources of supply?
the third day
÷ Negotiation skills and trade-offs between suppliers.
Ethics in the field of purchase.
÷ The different ways of purchasing and their suitability in light of the internationalization of business.
the fourth day
÷ Study and analysis of bids and decide on them.
÷ Documentary credits and their role in import systems from abroad.
÷ Interrelationships between the Purchasing Department and other departments.
÷ performance appraisal in the procurement department.
The fifth day
÷ Some global experiences in reducing costs by raising the efficiency of performance in the procurement department.
÷ Ten points to ensure your superiority in your purchases.