Training Details
First day
- human behavior:
- Its concept and components.
- The internal and external forces affecting it.
- Its types and principles.
the second day
- communication skills :
- The concept of communication and its importance.
- Contact form and its constraints.
- Communication skills (listening / traceability / directing and responding to questions).
the third day
- Audience Perception:
- What does the audience ask? What do we demand from the public?
- Public behavior and motives.
- Perception is meant.
- How do we perceive the public and how do we perceive ourselves?
- Skills of dealing with diverse types of audiences.
- crowd patterns.
- Methods of dealing with different types of audiences.
the fourth day
- Skills of dealing with superiors and senior visitors:
- Patterns of presidents and how to deal with them.
- Dealing in critical situations with senior visitors.
- Skills of analyzing and solving human problems:
- What is meant by human problems and their types.
- Methods of dealing with these problems.
The fifth day
- Time management and management skills.
- The ability to control stress and get rid of anxiety.
Practical and laboratory exercises.