Training Details
Persuasive Communication: - Basic Entries: -
Persuasive communication concept
- The components of persuasive communication (persuasive communication channels - advantages - disadvantages).
Integration between public and personal persuasive communication channels.
The basic steps of persuasive communication:
- exposure to the means - exposure to the content - study of the content - understanding the content. Validation, response.
Important notes on the steps of persuasive communication.
Stages of planning a typical persuasive communication program:
- Gathering and analyzing the necessary information - Defining persuasive communication goals.
Determine the persuasive communication mix:
Specifications of effective persuasive communicators - content of communication messages
The difference in the persuasive ability of communication messages - the target audience categories: -
The difficulty of studying the audience of the means of communication - the primary characteristics of the different types of audiences.
Study of the effect of persuasive communication and echo return.
Difficulties facing persuasive communication:
- Lack of space for joint experience between the communicator and the audience - Absence of echo.
- External constraints affecting the ability of effective persuasive communication - Internal constraints affecting the ability to persuasive effective communication - Fundamental defects in the ideal mixture of persuasive communication.
Effective persuasion techniques used in communication messages:
- Determining the entrances or beginnings - Clarity of goals versus implicit conclusion - Presenting the message to evidence and evidence.
Presenting one side of the subject versus displaying both sides. Arranging persuasive arguments within the message.
- Using the trends in the audience - the effect of the majority opinion - the effect of the accumulation of exposure and repetition.
- Summary and results - message language and style - side attack and direct attack - coloring - fluidity.
- Glimpse used in persuasive messages: -
Emotional persuasions - Rational persuasions - Intimidation solicitations - Persuasions to evoke social expectations - Persuasions of knowledge reconfiguration.
The foundations of increasing the effectiveness of the media materials used in persuasive communication campaigns:
Factors for increasing the effectiveness of printed communication materials. Factors for increasing the effectiveness of audio and visual materials.